Full Tilt Camden Cream


I wrote: "Full Tilt Cream Stout. The head dissipates quickly. The beer is yellow in color, or perhaps a muddy orange. It has a pale ale smell. The taste though is a bit more mellow than a pale ale. The drink is very drinkable with a good amount of carbonation. Like a tastier Natty Boh." 9:20PM ET
I also wrote: "This beer is actually called Full Tilt Camden Cream. I really focused on the carbonation coming from this thing. Bitterness, however, is a low factor. There is some, but not much." 9:31PM ET

I wrote: "Full Tilt Camden Cream. High carbonation. Slightly bitter aftertaste. Slightly hoppy. Has a softer ale taste. Slight ale smell. Hmm... I think I am not fond of the bitterness." 10:03PM ET
I also wrote: "Yeah... I'm not a fan of this beer. The bitterness... blah." 10:20PM ET

Full Tilt Camden Cream


Relevant Links:
Camden Cream (BeerAdvocate.com)
Full Tilt Camden Cream (RateBeer.com)

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