Lagunitas Doppel Weizen

The beer had a hoppy and flowery smell. It appeared to have a cloudy, orange color.

Lagunitas Doppel Weizen

It had a carbonated, hoppy taste and a strong grassy aftertaste; wow.

Judging from it's name "Doppel Weizen," maybe it actually had a strong wheat taste. Regardless, the aftertaste was so bitter.

When I got the beer I thought it would be a delightfully light beer; perhaps I accidentally attributed the the beer to tasting like a hefeweizen when I saw "Weizen" on the label. It's also possible that I thought the beer would have a light taste from it's brightly-colored label with white background. 8:08PM PT

[20170723 Edit]

Lagunitas (Our Bavarian-Styled Ale) Doppel Weizen

Relevant Links:
Doppel Weizen (Lagunitas Website)
Lagunitas Doppel Weizen (*
Lagunitas Our Own Bavarian-Style DoppelWeizen (
Bavarian-Styled Doppel Weizen | Lagunitas Brewing Company (

*This one has the same label as the one I bought and the same commercial description and ABV as currently found on their website.

Website Information:
Doppel Weizen

This special brew was designed with the help of our Freistaat Bayern brothers who also built the brewhouse upon which we brewed it. It's a new twist on an old tradition!

ABV: 8.7 | O.G.: 1.084 | IBU: 34.20
Availability: March-April | Introduced: 2014 | Sold As: 22 oz, On Tap

In far-away 2006, in a beer hall in Philly, at the end of a long road, we share our first beer with a Friestaat Bayern Brewer enharmonically named; Wolfgang. At stake, over a Pils, was whether or not Lagunitas would purchase from him a new 80bbl brewhouse. It was a lot of money. Playing Sileus to my Brewery’s chariot, together- with the benefit of the lager- we forded the emotional-economic crevasse and commissioned the brewhouse. Unforseeable [sic] at the time would be the need for even more brewing capacity today. So, for the umpteenth time in our short history, we lurch down that increasingly familiar road towards new brewhouses, fermentation tanks, and the like. The actual installation bears a strong resemblance to a heart transplant, on an awake patient, performed on the backside of a galloping horse, or at very least in tow behind Dionysus’ trustworthy Silenus. Some is good, more is better. The good news is; It’s still us! Call us. 707.769.4495

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