Samuel Adams Whitewater IPA

I wrote: "Whitewater IPA. Samuel Adams. Bitter and hoppy. I wonder how much the gum I was chewing affected the taste. Overall, I think the beer's bitterness overrides any taste which it may have." 8:13PM ET

Samuel Adams Whitewater IPA

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Website Information:
Samuel Adams
Whitewater IPA

This flavor packed brew draws inspiration from two distinct styles, the white ales of Belgium & American IPAs. But while a fusion of the two, it’s far more than the sum of both, exhibiting a harmony of crisp wheat, bright pine and citrus flavors, & just a hint of orange peel.

HOP VARIETIES Topaz, Chinook, Cascade, Simcoe, and Citra
MALT VARIETIES Samuel Adams two-row pale malt blend and white wheat
YEAST STRAIN Top-fermenting Ale
COLOR Hazy amber, SRM: 7.5
SPECIAL INGREDIENTS Apricots, coriander, orange peel
ALC. BY VOL/WT 5.8% ABV - 4.6% ABW
IBUs 61

Tasting Notes
A subtle addition of apricots balances out the bitterness of the hops and adds a slight sweetness to the beer.
The Australian and American hops add an intense piney, citrusy hop character, though this beer was not made with citrus.

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