Jeremiah Weed Lightning Lemonade and Arizona Iced Tea

This combination of beverages can be interpreted as a John Daly (i.e., alcoholic Arnold Palmer), or at the least a close variation of it.


I mixed half a glass of Jeremiah Weed Lightning Lemonade with half a glass of Arizona Iced Tea with Lemon Flavor. I used half the can for me, and half the can for my friend, I think. While I doubt anybody reading this blog post would quibble over such details, I do prefer to be as accurate as I can be. For that matter, I thank anybody that reads my posts, because that's a step above and beyond just looking at the pictures, and that alone makes me happy inside.

Yesterday, I was trying to figure out the reason I drank this mixed drink. I knew I had it after having my sister's sangria, but couldn't pinpoint any other details. I woke up and had a moment of clarity. The events sort of passed through my mind, and I thought, Harry Potter! Sure enough, I watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) followed by Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007). According to various timestamps, I had the sangria during Goblet of Fire and this drink during Order of the Phoenix. I also deduced that I eventually had the entire can of Jeremiah Weed.


I used half the can of Jeremiah Weed Lightning Lemonade for me, and half for my friend. With the Iced Tea, I can hardly taste the alcohol. And having half a can, I'll have hardly consumed any.

We were watching Big Fish (2003).


Jeremiah Weed Lightning Lemonade and Arizona Iced Tea

Relevant Links:
My post on Jeremiah Weed Lightning Lemonade
Arnold Palmer (drink) (
John Daly (drink) (
Arizona Iced Tea (
My post on Sweet Tea Vodka and Lemonade

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